When faced with the realization that he needed to divorce his wife, a 40 year old professional found Rosen Law Firm’s honesty, intergrity,and values to be the right fit.
Adam Goldenberg, a 40 year old professional, found Rosen Law Firm’s honesty, integrity, and values to be the right fit. Goldenberg was starting his life together with his wife and they were having a baby. Things were going great until he found two credit cards that had been hidden from him. Goldenberg said it killed him financially after knowing how hard they had struggled to get where they were. He was upset that he had been lied to and not told about some issues for years. He tried to overlook it and move on to the future, but he was blown away.
When his son was born, Goldenberg said his son was wonderful and he couldn’t have been happier in that regard, but he couldn’t make the marriage work. The underlying trust and honesty were blown. He didn’t get the apologies he needed to overlook it and knowing that his wife still wanted to have more children, he knew it was time for the relationship to end.
“When you don’t see your child all the time, you’ll get the sense of pain, but you get through it knowing it’s not going to last forever and knowing that the child will be better off with both parents being happy, as opposed to being together and unhappy,” Goldenberg said.
Goldenberg has found himself in times of stress looking at a pity party and then when he stops and thinks about it and looks at his situation, he realizes he has made the right decision. “I am healthy, and I am happier now than I was. I may be alone but I feel better. I know that my future is brighter.”
When Goldenberg spoke with an attorney from Rosen Law Firm at his initial consultation, the attorney spelled out what was expected up front and the hope was not to have to go to court. “And if you didn’t have to go to court there was a flat fee for 120 days of representation.-phone calls everyday, emails, faxes, overnights everyday. Everything you could ask for and you got to have the honesty and that’s what I got.” Goldenberg thought that if his attorney felt they weren’t going to win a particular battle, he was told they weren’t going to win it. He says it made it easier to swallow. They helped him figure where to fight and where not to fight and Goldenberg says he didn’t like it all the time, but it helped me prepare.
“Their integrity and honesty, their values, everything was there. “ Goldenberg says that never once did his attorney at Rosen Law Firm suggest that he cut the throat or go for the jugular. They were very good about that.”
A confidential consultation can be arranged by calling (919) 787-6668.
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