Signs That Your Husband Might be Cheating

Is your husband cheating on you? If you are reading this, you might be wondering the answer to that exact question. Evidence from the 2018 General Social Survey supports the theory that husbands are more likely to engage in infidelity than wives, with 20% of all men having cheated on their spouse while only 13% of women have cheated in kind. However, that doesn’t mean that your husband specifically has been unfaithful. This guide will help you in discerning if there is something going on, but always talk with your spouse first. Someone could tick off every box on this list and still be a completely faithful partner.

Discussed below are some common signs and indicators that you should be on the look-out for if you suspect your husband is cheating.

Signs of a Cheating Husband

Drastic image changes

If your husband suddenly adopts a new hair style, enhances his wardrobe and clothing choices, and begins a new workout routine-all these changes may signal he is seeing another person. Many note if there is a lot of new underwear purchases, that this is a strong indicator of suspicious activity.

Never leaving their cell phone alone

If your husband suddenly keeps his phone on him at all times, even when visiting the bathroom, your radar should take note. Also, if a new password has been added to his phone or laptop, there can be a reason for the new secrecy.

Talks often of new friends but won’t introduce you

Believe it or not, many wayward husbands will start talking about a new female friend. Often it is thought that the mention of her name might normalize the relationship. Beware – the mention of new friends, new hobbies and new hangouts can be indicators for cheating activities.

Lots of gifts

They say “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” in other words, you should appreciate gifts. However, if your husband is suddenly engaging in showering you with new gifts, there may be a reason-Guilt.  Men may try to coverup their cheating by spoiling their wives in hopes that the wives won’t be looking for any missteps.

New activity in the bedroom

If your husband has been very predictable in bed and made love the same way for years but recently has engaged in new tricks and sexual maneuvers, it may be that he has learned those moves from another lover.

Increased ATM cash withdrawals

If you share a joint account and notice a drastic increase in cash withdrawals, it may be that your husband is getting cash to cover his dates, purchases, and activities with his new friend.

Work changes

If your husband is suddenly working late and traveling for business, it may be an indicator of him spending time with another. Also, another sign is if husband strongly discourages you from visiting his workplace, it may be that he does not want you to see with whom he is spending time.

As stated at the beginning of this article, all of the above can be innocent and harmless lifestyle changes and workplace demands.  These events and occurrences can be pure and clean and are simply just common threads in the average unfaithful spouse, not surefire ways to know if they are having an affair. We advise that you share this information with your lawyer and/or counselor and see what they suggest. If most of these things to look out for sound familiar in your relationship, you may want to hire a private investigator to make sure you obtain legal proof of an affair.  Talk with a professional and learn what your next steps should be before you discuss with your spouse. Rarely do cheating spouses admit their guilty ways but if you feel the evidence is mounting up, it might be time to consider your options.

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