Signs That Your Wife Might be Cheating On You

Women who have had an affair while married have given a number of reasons for why: a desire for new encounters, falling out of love, and a lack of sexual and emotional satisfaction are some of the most commonly reported reasons. Perhaps your wife has brought up her infidelity to you. Perhaps she hasn’t, but you feel like something is wrong in your marriage and you’re worried about what might happen as a result. Perhaps you are wondering if she is already seeing someone else. What signs should you look for?

Signs of a Cheating Wife

Changes in Appearance

Often a significant change in appearance can be a sign.  Sporting a hairstyle, cut and color, dressing in new provocative clothes, switching from glasses to contacts, wearing a new perfume, and buying and wearing sexy undergarments are all possible signs that your wife might be unfaithful.  A radical new appearance is often listed as a top indicator of an affair.

Closely related to a new way of dressing, is the new occurrence of your spouse deep diving into a new fitness routine, awaking early to hit the gym, and spending lots of time exercising and working out.  And, note, if your wife is defensive and secretive and refuses to let you join her at the gym, there might just be a new workout partner she does not want you to meet.

Increased Social Media Activity

Many spouses who suspect their wife is being unfaithful will note that their wife is constantly on her phone and social media forums, with a new password and security settings. Of course, many people are busy on their phones at all hours of the day, but a new drastic increase can be a sign.

Do note though that everyone has a right to privacy – while a partner who might have previously openly shared their passwords changing their account info may be suspicious, a partner may have many different reasons for not wanting to share their passwords with their spouse that have nothing to do with infidelity or deceit.

Change in Behavior

Spouses with unfaithful wives also report that their wives have increased their criticisms of minor mistakes made by their partners and that nitpicking is an issue. This is a psychological trick used to help justify to the wife that her cheating is somehow acceptable since her spouse can do no right.

Increased Drinking

It is also noted in research that wives who are cheating may change their drinking habits.  Wives may be drinking out more with friends at the bar and overall increasing their alcohol intake. Drastic drinking changes seem to occur more with unfaithful wives as opposed to unfaithful husbands.

Change in Work Habits

Lastly, another common sign of unfaithfulness is a change in work habits.  Staying late for work more often and increased work travel trips can be signs of a wife engaging in an affair.  But, if the wife has just assumed a new role or received a promotion, work related activity may be innocent.

Of course, all these signs discussed can be harmless.  There is nothing wrong with a style makeover and a new focus on improving one’s appearance and health.  There might be other reasons for behavioral changes-stresses at work, managing a household, and child related issues.  Talk to your spouse and analyze the responses. Perhaps you and your spouse may need some counseling. Don’t ignore these signs, they may indicate many things.

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