Apex Resource Center

While most laws are the same across the state of North Carolina when it comes to divorce, resources are a different story. This page is dedicated to providing residents of Apex, NC with resources, schools, transportation, hospitals, and forms they’ll need for getting through their divorce.

Transportation in Apex

The Transportation and Rural Access (TRACS) program is available to Apex residents and can be reached at (919) 212-7005. Service is shared, demand responsive, and is provided on a 1st come, 1st serve, seat available basis. Apex is included in the southwest zone, which serves these and surrounding areas:

  • Apex
  • Fuquay-Varina
  • Holly Springs
  • Morrisville

Medical Resources in Apex

Wake County Human Services has consolidated several programs and services formerly carried out by other separate departments and offices to assist residents of towns just like Apex. They can be reached at (919) 212-7000 and their services include:

  • Child Support
  • Housing
  • Job Training
  • Mental Health
  • Public Health
  • Social Services
  • Social Services

Wake County Forms

Download forms for divorce, child custody, alimony, property, and more.

Download forms for Wake County

Apex Government

Information about the Town Clerk’s office, utilities, transportation, and more.

Apex Civil Services

Moving to Apex

If you’re looking at moving, here are several statistics to be aware of pertaining to population, transportation, and other important information.

Apex NC – What You Need to Know

Education in Apex

Wake County plans all schools in the town of Apex. Contact the Wake County Public School System with any questions regarding your child’s education at (919) 850-1600.

If you’re ready to get started, call us now Call or text us (919) 787-6668

Not sure where to start?

Sign up for our free video e-course. You will receive a daily video covering a specific topic you’ll need to address when going through your divorce. We take the mystery out of the process by breaking it down into easy to understand pieces.


  • Fox 50
  • cnn
  • cnbc
  • abc.com
  • The new york times
  • Good Morning America