Dealing with Divorce at Church

Divorce affects all aspects of your life – including your spirituality. If you and your soon-to-be ex attend the same church, you might have a hard time, whether it’s because you see each other at church services or because you feel you need to explain your situation to others (or both).

While your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer is busy working out all the legal details, such as organizing your paperwork for child support, you might choose to get emotional support from your pastor or minister. But you’re still left with several questions – including what you’re supposed to tell your church friends.

Divorce at Church: Who (and How) to Tell

Whether you decide to make your divorce public is between you and your soon-to-be ex. Remember that there is always the potential for someone to misunderstand your situation either way. If you choose to share the details about your situation, particularly when you’re at church, make sure that you’re completely honest while withholding all the details that may make your soon-to-be ex look bad (especially if you both still attend the same congregation). Ask your spouse to do the same.

The Most Private Details

It’s often best to reserve the private details of your divorce, including how much alimony you’ll have to pay or how much you will receive, for close friends who will be discreet. While your fellow churchgoers are well-intentioned and kind, things like this are usually best kept to yourself.

Consulting with Church Leadership

In most cases, it’s a good idea to talk to leaders within your church before you open up about the news. Your pastor or minister may have valuable insights on how you can approach the situation and be able to provide you with wise, faith-based counsel.

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