Chapel Hill Divorce Parties: Tacky or Therapeutic?

When your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer hands you your divorce decree, will you have a party? Divorce parties are becoming more and more common, though not everyone finds them tactful or tasteful.

Celebrities Katy Perry and Russell Brand, as well as Jack White and his ex, Karen Elson, each had divorce parties—but is it right for you?

What About Your Kids?

Psychologists suggest keeping your kids in mind if you’re planning a divorce party. Since your children love both you and your ex, seeing you celebrate the end of your relationship might cause them emotional turmoil. If you choose to have a divorce party, make sure to keep it under wraps so you don’t negatively affect your kids.

Why People Throw Divorce Parties

Some people find that celebrating the end of an unhappy marriage provides closure. It’s an opportunity to share a life-changing event with friends and family (but don’t expect all of them to think celebrating is a good idea).

If you do decide to throw a divorce party, talk to your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer about your timing. They will probably be able to provide you with the approximate date you can expect your divorce to be final.

Advertising Your Divorce Party on Social Media

While you may be excited about your upcoming divorce party, your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer might advise you to keep the event off social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Your kids might have access to your account or see posts you’ve made, which can cause emotional trauma. Even adult children of divorce have a hard time dealing with their parents’ splits, so shielding them is often a good idea.

Aside from kids, your soon-to-be ex might catch wind of it. While you’re an adult and have every right to throw a divorce party, you don’t want to do anything that can cause your spouse to stop cooperating during the divorce process. Your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer can probably tell you that when a spouse—even a divorcing one—feels slighted or offended, they often lash out by refusing to cooperate. This can make reaching a custody agreement more difficult, cause issues with the division of property, and bring effective communication to a halt.

The Bottom Line on Divorce Parties

If you think throwing a divorce party is the right idea for you, then go for it! Just remember that you’ll need to discuss a few things with your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer before you start planning.

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