Divorcing someone struggling with drug addiction creates a set of unique circumstances that your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer can help you sort through. Your ex’s addiction might affect your child custody agreement, the amount of spousal support that’s exchanged and even the division of your marital property.
You’re Not Alone
The 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimates that almost 17 percent of the US population over the age of 12 uses illicit drugs, including prescription drugs that are used recreationally. From narcotic pain relievers to cocaine and heroin, more than 47 million people needed treatment for addiction; only 12.8 million got it, according to the survey.
What do these figures mean for you? Your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer has probably dealt with many people in situations like yours, so you can trust that they know how to handle the ups and downs of your case while protecting your rights under North Carolina law.
Talking to a Third Party
People leaving relationships where their spouse has a drug addiction often grapple with guilt, resentment, and anger. What if leaving isn’t the right thing? I can’t believe I allowed this to go on for so long. How could they do this to me? What if leaving makes things worse?
Your attorney might suggest that you work with a counselor or therapist who can help you cope with the feelings you’re facing. Drug addiction affects everyone around the user—spouses, kids, parents and siblings, as well as friends. You have a lot to deal with when you choose to divorce a drug addict, so sometimes it helps to have someone keep you focused on the big picture.
What Your Chapel Hill Divorce Lawyer Needs to Know
Although it’s painful to discuss, your lawyer needs to know as much as possible. They might ask about the types of substances your soon-to-be ex is abusing, how long the problem has existed, and whether your ex will admit there’s a problem. Your lawyer will probably also ask:
- Has your spouse received treatment before?
- How has your life been affected by your spouse’s addiction?
- Is your divorce a direct result of the addiction?
Since every case is unique, it’s best to provide your attorney with as much information as possible. That way, they can help you by offering customized advice based on your situation.
When to Call Your Lawyer
If your spouse threatens you or has made you a victim of domestic violence, get to a safe place and call the police right away; call your lawyer as soon as you’re safe.
Any time your spouse’s addiction affects you or your kids, you’ll need to bring your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer into the loop. The more information your attorney has, the better they can protect you and reach the best possible outcome for your case.