My Ex is Behaving Badly Around My Kids

Lots of people disapprove of their ex’s behavior; in fact, those disapprovals often start during marriage. That’s why many people end up in a Chapel Hill divorce lawyer’s office in the first place.

Big problems arise when bad behavior takes place in front of kids—and if it happens to yours, it’s your responsibility as a parent to take action.

Bad Behaviors vs. Harmful Behaviors

Sure, your ex may chew with her mouth open or litter the house with his dirty socks. In the big picture, there’s nothing you can do about poor etiquette except to explain to your kids what “right” looks like. As a parent, you can only draw the line when bad behaviors are actually harmful behaviors. If you’re in doubt about what constitutes harmful behavior, ask your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer.

Harmful behaviors might include:

  • Recreational or illicit drug use
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • Verbal abuse
  • Dangerous driving
  • Exposure to an unhealthy environment (such as filth, hoarding, or poor shelter against the elements)
  • Being subject to dangerous animals
  • Your ex failing to administer necessary medications

Other harmful behaviors that don’t necessitate you springing into action to remove your kids from the environment but do necessitate a call to your lawyer might include:

  • Being exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke
  • Not having time or space to do homework
  • Experiencing non-physical conflict with other children in the home
  • Your ex consistently bad-mouths you to–or around–your kids

A general rule of thumb is that if you’re not comfortable with your ex’s behavior around your kids, call your lawyer.

If your children are in danger, get them to a safe location as soon as possible and call your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer immediately.

How Your Chapel Hill Divorce Lawyer Can Help

Your lawyer might be able to modify your child custody agreement based on your ex’s actions. He or she might also be able to recommend a qualified local therapist who can help you and your children work through the ups and downs of shared custody.

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