Leaving a Toxic Spouse: Run, Don’t Walk

Some people are just plain toxic. They might drag you down through verbal abuse, they don’t bring anything positives to the table (you can’t learn from their examples or emulate things they’ve done), or they might physically assault you.

Does any of that sound like your spouse? Whatever it is that makes them toxic, it’s in your best interest to get as far as you can… and don’t look back. Your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer can help you find the resources you need to start fresh, from local counselors and therapists to mediators and arbitrators. In the meantime, you need to focus on moving forward so you can be free from the negativity that used to hold you back.

Leaving a toxic spouse might be the best decision you ever make.

There’s Nothing Wrong with “Me” Time

After months, years and sometimes even decades in toxic relationships, many people have a hard time in the self-esteem department. This isn’t your fault—and it’s completely normal. You deserve to have time to yourself; time to reflect on where you’ve been; time to plan where you’re going.

While it might feel strange, especially if you aren’t used to having time to focus on your own needs, it’s important that you set aside some time to get to know yourself again.

Getting Back to Normal

Many people find it helpful to start a journal, pick up a hobby or spend time with friends in order to move on from a toxic relationship.

  • Journaling can help you release some of the feelings of hurt, anger, and resentment that built up over the time you spent with your toxic ex.
  • Hobbies can help reestablish your self-worth and give you something new (and untainted by your toxic ex) to look forward to each day.
  • Time with your friends can give you the ability to talk freely about your feelings, laugh, and enjoy things in good company—and everyone needs that.

Leave the Legal Details to Your Chapel Hill Divorce Lawyer

Your lawyer is there to work hard on your behalf and protect you under North Carolina law. Following their advice will help keep you on the right path toward freedom from your ex; that way, you can focus on being yourself again.

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