Divorce Bookstore
Looking for resources on divorce? You’ve come to the right place. Get access to our library of divorce resources for a small price or for free. Free readers will also receive additional resources on divorce and custody issues.
Smart Divorce

A comprehensive overview of the divorce process in both legal and emotional terms, including issues of child custody, property division, alimony, and much more.
Child Custody Law

Child custody is one of the hardest issues to deal with when separating. This book offers details on the ins, outs, and in-betweens, all with the best interest of your child in mind.
Relocation Law

Moving with a custody order in place is so complicated we gave it its own book. Whether you or your children’s other parent is looking to move, this resource is for you.
Jake’s Fridays

Children need their own resources too. Jake’s Fridays by attorney Misty Hardison explores custody from the eyes of a child and how having separated parents isn’t always so bad.