Finding a Therapist During Your Durham Divorce

Divorce isn’t easy – anyone who has gone through the process can attest to that. When you’re going through it yourself, you may find that the changes divorce brings can be overwhelming; in fact, it’s one of the most life-altering events you’ll ever go through. If you have children, they’re going through an emotional roller coaster, too, and your whole family may benefit from visiting a therapist. That’s why many Durham divorce lawyers suggest finding a local therapist to talk to during (and after) divorce.

How a Therapist Can Help Your Family

If your Durham divorce lawyer has recommended that you find a therapist during your divorce, consider how it can help your family. A qualified therapist:

  • is an unbiased third party who can listen to your issues and concerns without passing judgment
  • can help your children understand what is happening by explaining it all without letting emotions cloud the issue
  • acts as your sounding board when you’re frustrated, angry, or hurt
  • knows how to respond to your concerns in the most beneficial way
  • is legally bound to keep your conversations confidential

You can talk freely to a therapist about things you aren’t comfortable discussing with friends and family. You’re also not obligated to continue to see the same therapist if you become dissatisfied with their services. Remember, your lawyer has your best interests in mind. If they suggest that you find a therapist, it’s because therapy is likely to help you stay strong through the most trying time of your life.

How to Find a Local Therapist

If your divorce lawyer has recommended that you find a therapist, ask them for a referral. Your attorney may have professional affiliations with highly skilled local therapists who can help you and your family.

You can also ask your own friends and family for recommendations. If you’re not comfortable sharing such personal details with people, you can search on your own for Durham therapists online.

When you find a therapist you’re interested in seeing, ask all the questions you need before making any kind of commitment. This includes:

  • what fees they charge, and whether their services are covered by your insurance
  • what their qualifications are
  • how many years they have been practicing
  • what they specialize in (for example, you probably wouldn’t need to see a counselor who specializes in addiction when you’re going through a stressful divorce – you’d need to see a family therapist)

Telling Your Divorce Lawyer about Your Therapist

You’re not obligated to tell your lawyer that you’re seeing a therapist. However, you can – and in some cases, it might work to your benefit. Remember that anything you tell your lawyer stays between the two of you unless you tell others.

If you don’t yet have a lawyer, contact us. Our attorneys are here to help and can give you recommendations for local therapists in addition to advising on your rights.

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