My Spouse Doesn’t Deserve Alimony!

Alimony. Spousal support. Maintenance. Allowance.

Whatever you call it, your soon-to-be ex might be asking for it—and you might not be too happy about it.

It’s not uncommon for people to feel that their exes don’t deserve alimony, regardless of the amount. If you’re not sure how much you’ll be obligated to pay, this alimony calculator can give you an estimate based on common guidelines in other jurisdictions (North Carolina doesn’t have a specific formula for determining the amount of alimony).

How Does Alimony Work in North Carolina?

While your Durham divorce lawyer can provide you with more specifics, the gist of it is that when one spouse makes more money than the other, alimony can be awarded so that the lesser-earning spouse can have a chance to get on their feet.

You and your ex can agree on an amount yourselves or the courts can decide for you. If neither of you is interested in exchanging alimony, you don’t have to—there’s no requirement that every couple has to deal with it.

What Goes into Alimony Calculations?

Several factors, which your Durham divorce lawyer can explain in detail, go into determining the amount of alimony that changes hands. Some include marital misconduct, each spouse’s earnings, and each spouse’s capability to earn. The number of years you were married, your standard of living, and the effect alimony awards will have on your taxes are also part of the equation.

But My Spouse Doesn’t Deserve Alimony!

If you feel like your spouse doesn’t deserve alimony, let your Durham divorce lawyer know. Explain your situation in detail; are they capable of working but refusing? Do they have an outside party (particularly a romantic interest) kicking in on bills, shopping sprees, and other expenses?

Once your attorney understands the situation, they can take the appropriate action to protect your rights under the law. While you may still have to pay alimony, at least you’ve been heard—and sometimes that takes a little of the sting out of sharing your hard-earned money with your ex.

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