When you get a divorce, you’ll be working closely with your Durham divorce lawyer to make important decisions, like when to file the papers, when to hire a financial planner and when to move out of your family home. Your Durham divorce lawyer has worked with several clients in situations similar to yours and can often provide insight based on experience.
Stopping Electrical Service in Durham
When both you and your spouse agree to move out of your marital home (and when you’ve discussed this option extensively with your lawyer), you’ll need to stop electrical service at that address. If you and your spouse are both on the account, Duke Energy may require consent from both of you to stop service. Call them at (800)777-9898 or visit them online to determine which of you needs to handle your issue.
Changing Names on Electrical Utilities in Durham
If your spouse is moving from your marital home, and you and your Durham divorce lawyer have decided that it’s a good idea for you to stay, you may need to change the name on your utility accounts. If you were already the only account holder, you don’t need to take any action; however, if your spouse’s name was the only name on the account, you’ll need to remove their name and replace it with your own. Contact Duke Energy to determine whether you should cancel the service entirely or if it can simply be transferred into your own name.
Let your Durham divorce lawyer know when your spouse moves out if they have not already left.
Starting New Electrical Service in Durham
After brainstorming with your attorney, you may decide it’s best for you to leave your marital home and let your spouse remain. If that’s what you choose to do, you’ll need to contact Duke Energy to start electrical service at your new address.
What to Know about Your Electrical Service
Duke Energy may take up to three days to handle new service requests. In addition, there is a deposit required, which may be refunded if certain criteria are met after 24 months of continuous service.
Talking to Your Durham Divorce Lawyer throughout the Process
Whether you’re moving, your spouse is moving, or you’re both moving, you’ll need to keep your Durham divorce lawyer updated. They can only provide you with accurate legal advice by being aware of your current situation.
It’s best to ask your lawyer how often they want to be updated, and how they prefer to be contacted when you have several issues (like moving) that don’t require your attorney’s immediate attention. Remember, though, that your Durham divorce lawyer will want you to call or email right away when important issues arise.