During your divorce, you’ll have to manage several small details that can easily slip through the cracks – including your telephone service. Your Durham divorce lawyer can advise you on what to do based on your case. Be sure to consult with them prior to removing yourself from any accounts. That includes removing your spouse’s name or taking any other actions that may affect your case in court.
What Happens During Divorce?
In many cases, telephone service – whether land line or cellular – is listed in both spouses’ names. If you and your spouse are both listed on an account at the time you choose to divorce, one of you will have to remove your name. Your divorce lawyer will be able to advise you whether you should remove your own name or ask your spouse to remove theirs.
Land Line Phone Service
Inevitably, one spouse has to leave the family home during or after a divorce. If you are the displaced spouse, your lawyer may recommend that you remove your name from the telephone account as soon as possible. This will protect yourself from having to pay your spouse’s bills once you’re gone. You’ll also need to start telephone service in your new home, and remove yourself from your spouse’s account can make that easier.
Cellular Phone Service
If you and your spouse share a cellular plan, like many do, you’ll need to separate that account as well. Ask your divorce lawyer whether you or your spouse should leave the plan if you aren’t sure. Remember, you may not have a choice. If your spouse is the primary account holder, you may have to remove yourself from the plan and start a new one with the provider of your choice.
What Your Durham Divorce Lawyer Needs to Know
Your lawyer doesn’t necessarily need to be notified immediately when your spouse removes themselves from one of your accounts with a utility company. However, it’s best to keep your attorney in the loop at all times.
Your divorce lawyer needs to know as soon as you get a new telephone number, though. They’ll need to be able to contact you quickly in the event of an emergency. They also will be able to notify you in the event there’s a new development in your case, or if they have an important question regarding your case.
Remember that your Durham divorce lawyer is there to help you. They have likely seen several clients in situations similar to yours. Your attorney is a valuable resource when it comes to divorce. You should always feel comfortable asking them questions.