Divorce After Decades: Is it Too Late to Bounce Back?

There is no magic number that couples can reach to guarantee they’ll be married forever. It’s not unheard of for people who have been married for several decades to end up in a Raleigh divorce lawyer’s office. Many people who have spent more than half of their lives married wonder if they’ll ever be able to bounce back.

The good news? Bouncing back is always possible, even if you’ve been through a divorce after decades of marriage. You just need to know how.

Let Your Lawyer Handle the Legal Stuff

Your attorney can give you their advice when it comes to all the legal issues, such as the equitable distribution of your property or spousal support. Don’t force your brain to work overtime by trying to come up with legal solutions; that’s what your lawyer is there to do for you. Instead of letting these things consume you, focus on yourself. You have a bright, new beginning ahead of you, and you need to get prepared.

Take Time to Be You

The first thing you can do to get on track is to become reacquainted with yourself. After several years in a relationship, it’s easy to lose a little bit of who we are as an individual; you know who you are when you’re married, but who are you when you’re single?

Getting to know yourself can start small. What were some of the things you enjoyed doing but couldn’t because you were absorbed in married life? Pick them back up and find out if you still enjoy them. Is there something you’ve wanted to try but couldn’t while you were married? Check it out—it’s always healthy to try new things.

Nurture Yourself Emotionally

Many people benefit from talking to a counselor or therapist. If you don’t already know one, your Raleigh divorce lawyer may be able to help you get in touch with a local professional who’s experienced in dealing with divorce.

Above all, accept that your feelings are legitimate. Be patient with yourself; it takes a significant amount of time to move on after being married for several years.

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