My Ex Turned My Kids Against Me

When your ex turns your kids against you, it feels like your whole world is coming to an end. A parent-child relationship is extremely special – and it’s one that you and your children need. Is there anything you can do about it?

Where to Turn for Help

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer may be able to help you fix the situation before it gets any worse. The key is figuring out what’s wrong and then letting your attorney know about it. That way, your lawyer can protect your rights – and your kids’ rights – under North Carolina law.

My Ex Turned My Kids Against Me; Is that Parental Alienation?

Many psychologists agree that when one parent turns their children against the other parent, it counts as parental alienation. Signs that your kids have been alienated from you include:

  • Your child’s unwillingness to spend time with you, even when your custody agreement clearly states that you are supposed to be together
  • Your child seems to be, or is, angry with you without being able to tell you why
  • Your child seems to hate you and may even deny any past positive experiences they’ve had with you
  • Your child may repeat what are known as “borrowed scenarios,” during which they mimic words and phrases they’ve picked up from the alienating parent but don’t really grasp
  • Your child may reject your extended family
  • Your child may not have any guilt about the way they treat you

Sometimes kids, particularly those going through life transitions such as divorce, lash out at their parents. If your kids are angry with you or if they’re unwilling to cooperate with you, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your ex has turned them against you. Parental alienation is the manipulation of kids’ emotions to purposely make them hate, distrust, or rebel against one parent.

If you suspect that your child is the victim of parental alienation, let your Raleigh divorce lawyer know immediately. They can take the appropriate steps to protect your family from the damaging effects and potentially lifelong consequences it can have.


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