The 2011 television series, “Fairly Legal” focused new attention on mediation as a way to resolve legal disputes. The star, a beautiful if slightly personally challenged former lawyer, often described her work as looking for a win-win solution. TV drama and catch phrases aside, this holds true to what a Raleigh mediation looks like as well, and is one of the most powerful tools in the family law practice tool kit.
In North Carolina, mediation is required for couples going through divorce if the case involves child custody or property settlement and the Raleigh family law team at Rosen Law can help you.
What can a mediator do for me?
Skilled mediators can help people involved in divorce and child custody cases get past their emotionally charged positions. They also get parties to arrive at agreements that protect the real interests of everyone involved.
The power of mediation rests on two pillars. It brings both parties face-to-face with a mediator where they can hear the other’s story without distortion. A trained neutral mediator can help parties address their issues in a thoughtful manner. It also brings to the table a player who does not have to be an advocate for either side. They can place options on the table that are unbiased for both to consider.
Trained mediators bring experience to the table when resolving cases. They can bring in additional parties (specialists) to help negotiate more challenging issues. The best mediators are able to cut through the anger, emotions and posturing that mark so many disputes and focus on finding solutions or agreements that help both parties get what they need to settle their disputes.
If you are involved in a divorce or child custody case, mediation may be one of the tools your lawyer will use to bring about a resolution. If you have questions on family law cases or on the potential for mediation in resolving your case, contact us.