Requesting a Paternity Test

During your divorce, your Raleigh divorce lawyer might recommend that you ask for a paternity test. While that’s not necessarily standard procedure, if you have doubts that you’re the father of one or more of your children, it’s generally a good idea. If your lawyer recommends it, they have a good reason to do so.

Why People Ask for Paternity Tests

In cases where adultery has been an issue, a paternity test can help ease a father’s doubts. It can also help prevent someone from falsely claiming that a child belongs to someone for financial gain, such as when a mother claims her ex-husband is the father in an attempt to get child support despite the fact that he is no relation to the child.

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer will only advise you to get a paternity test if it’s in your best interest to do so. If you want one for the sole purpose of harassing your ex, it’s best to avoid the entire situation. Additionally, some men are so entrenched in their fatherly roles that even if there is a question of paternity, they don’t want to know—and if that’s what you decide, that’s fine—just explain the situation to your lawyer so they can formulate a plan to best protect your rights.

Talking to Your Kids about Paternity Testing

If your children are old enough to understand paternity testing, broaching the subject can be difficult. Some parents choose not to discuss it at all, while others feel that it’s important to share something that may make a huge difference in the child’s life.

No matter what you choose to do, it might be a good idea to ask your Raleigh divorce lawyer for a referral to a local counselor or therapist who is experienced in dealing with paternity issues and divorce. Talking to an impartial third party can help both you and your child feel more at ease with the situation and help you prepare for any outcome.

Ask Your Raleigh Divorce Lawyer First

Before you demand a paternity test, talk to your Raleigh divorce lawyer. They will be able to take the appropriate legal action, if necessary, and guide you through the process. Your lawyer will also be able to tell you what will happen whether you are or are not the child’s father; the results may affect child custody and other aspects of your case, particularly if infidelity was involved.

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