Help! I Think My Spouse is a Narcissist!

Narcissism is a mental disorder that affects approximately one in a hundred people—but many more exhibit narcissistic traits that don’t quite qualify for a diagnosis. Many people believe their spouse is a narcissist, and based on a laundry list of symptoms, they may be right. Narcissistic behaviors land hundreds of couples in Raleigh divorce lawyers’ offices each year.

Is Narcissism Really a Mental Disorder?

While previous versions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM, the manual that professionals use to classify all known mental disorders) excluded the disorder from its rosters, many psychologists and psychiatrists agree that it’s still a very real issue. The 2022 text revision of the DSM 5 describes Narcissistic Personality Disorder as involving a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy.

Currently, narcissistic people are rarely diagnosed because they’re reluctant to seek help.

Whether your spouse has been diagnosed or simply displays narcissistic behaviors, it might be time to talk to an attorney about getting a divorce.

Symptoms of a Narcissistic Spouse

Narcissism is generally characterized by dramatic and emotional behaviors. Not every “drama queen” is a narcissist, though. In fact, many traits have to come into play before a diagnosis can be made.

Some symptoms a narcissistic husband might exhibit include:

  • Believing they are “special” and expecting to be treated as such
  • The inability to empathize or even recognize other people’s emotions or feelings
  • Frequent or constant fantasizing about wealth, power, success and attractiveness
  • Being excessively jealous of others and believing others are jealous of them
  • Exaggeration of their past achievements, talents or successes
  • An expectation of constant praise
  • Taking advantage of other people to get ahead
  • Looking down on other people they feel are inferior to them
  • Being easily hurt and feeling rejected frequently
  • Having low, fragile self-esteem
  • Being seen as unemotional or “tough”

While many people exhibit some of these traits, few are clinical narcissists. Diagnosable or not, too many of these behaviors can make for an unsafe home and an unhappy marriage. There is often a sense of entitlement that results in someone becoming angry and lashing out when they don’t get their way.

What to Tell Your Raleigh Divorce 

If you suspect your spouse is a narcissist or that they are displaying narcissistic behaviors, let your Raleigh divorce lawyer know. They may be able to provide you with resources that can help you recover from the ups and downs you experienced during your marriage, like a referral to a local counselor or therapist. You can’t fix your ex, but you can improve the way you see yourself after dealing with their narcissism.

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