You Can Survive Infidelity, But You Might Not Want All the Answers

Cheating hurts. If your soon-to-be ex-spouse stepped over the boundaries of your marriage and became romantically or sexually entangled with someone else, you’re probably experiencing a wide range of emotions. Anger and sadness at your spouse’s betrayal are completely normal – and so is a keen sense of curiosity about the other party. You might want to know who they are, what exactly happened, and how the two of them feel about each other.

But do you really want those answers?

What Knowing All the Answers Really Means

There’s an old saying, “You can’t un-ring a bell.” When that’s applied to infidelity, what it really means is that once you know the grisly details, you’ll always know the grisly details. You have to ask yourself if the answers you’re looking for are worth finding; you’ll have to live with them forever.

Sometimes it’s best to accept that your spouse was unfaithful and leave it at that.

What Your Lawyer Might Want to Know

You don’t have to prove infidelity in order to get a divorce in North Carolina. However, if you do have proof that your spouse cheated, share it with your Raleigh divorce lawyer. It may or may not affect your case – but only your attorney can tell you whether or not it will. Your lawyer will give you advice that’s tailored to your situation and let you know what your spouse’s infidelity has to do with your case.

Proving Infidelity: Keeping Your Raleigh Divorce Lawyer in the Loop

While you can’t use a keylogger or record your spouse’s conversations in order to prove infidelity, you can use some other evidence. If your spouse and the other party make public posts on social media sites, for example, you can take screenshots and provide them to your lawyer.

Cheating isn’t fair to anyone involved. The good news is that you can survive infidelity – and come out of the whole ordeal stronger and more capable. Just be careful when you’re trying to get the details; once you have them, you’ll always have them.

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