Simone Allen

simone rosen lawfirmIf you’ve got a question about children, Simone probably has an answer for you. She graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Development and Child Services and while at university served as a research assistant on a published study of linguistic development in children with developmental delays. Her brilliant mind and caring heart have driven her to excel in this field throughout her college career and beyond.

That’s not all she’s given to the efforts of helping America’s youth. She also interned at a counseling center, working closely with mental health counselors to assist college students and after graduating, worked as a Family Support Specialist for a nonprofit organization where she specialized in case loads involving children on the autism spectrum, getting the opportunity to work with both high and low functioning children from diverse backgrounds. She’s even raised money to combat both juvenile diabetes and hunger. Her passion and skill in all of these areas has lead to her becoming one of our trusted client liaisons.

When she isn’t giving her time and resources to children in need, she enjoys hiking and skiing, past times that she gained while living in Montana while studying for her degree. She also recently has discovered the joy of baking, so if you see her in our office, be sure to recommend some new recipes for her to try.

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