Temple has already gained a wide array of experience working with domestic violence survivors despite just beginning her career. She is a Sexual Assault Response Advocate with InterAct, helping guide survivors through obtaining legal and emotional support and also volunteered with Freedom House, a safe home for survivors. This experience has made her a perfect fit for working with us at Rosen.
Temple graduated cum laude from the University of North Carolina Greensboro with a degree in Sociology and International Affairs. She is also a member of the Rho Lambda Honors Society, a national organization recognizing outstanding sorority leadership. During her time at Greensboro, she volunteered with Hopeline, a crisis hotline that provides confidential crisis support for those living in North Carolina, effectively launching her career in care.
When she isn’t helping counsel people through crisis, Temple enjoys reading in her spare time, boasting a large list of favorite genres. She also has a penchant for swimming – during her time in undergrad, she worked as a swim instructor and even led swim camps.
If you see Temple around our office, don’t be afraid to say hi or to ask her about her history with crisis work (or her love of making clay earrings – she is a woman of many talents). She is here to help you through your own journey and is always more than happy to lend a helping hand where it is needed.