My Ex Moved Out; Are They Allowed Back In?

Once your ex moves out of your house, you may feel like your relationship is done and over with – but it’s not always so simple. You’ll need to ask your Chapel Hill divorce lawyer when it’s okay to change the locks, and in the meantime, your ex may have access to your home.

Talk to Your Chapel Hill Divorce Lawyer Before You Do Anything

It’s important to know that you can’t change the locks on your home without talking to your attorney to make sure it’s okay first. Additionally, you’ll need to work on dividing your property as soon as possible.

My Ex Moved Out; Can They Come Back in Without Permission?

Your ex might come into your home without your permission, which can cause serious problems. You might feel violated and as if your ex has overstepped their bounds. If this happens, let your attorney know right away. Your lawyer can tell you if your ex has the right to be there, particularly if the purpose of the visit was to get their own belongings.

If you have moved out of your marital home and your ex comes into your new home without your permission, that’s an entirely different story – one that warrants an immediate call to the police and, right after that, to your lawyer.

Who Has the Right to Your Home?

Many divorcing couples decide between themselves who will keep the marital home and who will find a new place to live. Your child custody agreement might play a role in your decision. If you and your soon-to-be ex can’t agree, your attorney might suggest that you work with a mediator to help resolve your differences.

The key to a successful divorce – one where both parties are reasonably satisfied with the outcome – is to stay in communication with your lawyer and your ex. Avoiding misunderstandings (particularly those about your personal boundaries) is the best way to ensure that you and your ex are on the same page.

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